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Showing posts from February, 2015

3 Steps To Living The Fit Life

by, Coach K Rising from bed before 5:00AM to lift anything heavier than a cup of coffee, let alone move at a high intensity, is not easy. The decision to sleep in the extra hour before work can seem like a good one in the moment. But then like most people, I’m physically and mentally exhausted from the day, so the last thing I want to do is exert more energy towards something other than making food, sitting on the couch and crawling to bed. We all have busy lives that can sometimes cause us not to prioritize fitness. The excuses could be never ending and unfortunately we don’t have a little cheerleader sitting on our shoulder all day motivating us to do all of the things we know we should. So we have to focus on the small things in order to get on track, and stay there. Try these 3 simple for conquering those illusive health and fitness goals: Change Your Thinking It really is this simple. We have the power. Shift that mentality from couch potato to athlete. Regardless of ...