Congratulations to Lizabeth Lukesic on winning CSC's Sweatiest Angel award for the month of June! The Sweatiest Angel award is given each month to a CSC member who displays significant work ethic, a willingness to support others and a true sense of camaraderie inside the gym. Not only is Liz always smiling and showing a positive attitude but she has also made some done some tremendous work lately - posting faster times in WODs, using heavier weight than she ever has and improving greatly at many skills. Just as she says, you get out of it what you put in, and Liz works her ass off. How long have you been doing CrossFit? I started doing CrossFit-like workouts four years ago and joined CSC in July of 2014. What do you do when you are not at CSC? When I am not at CSC I enjoy spending time outdoors with my posse or experimenting in the kitchen. When did you realize CrossFit was for you? When I realized the amount of physical and mental strength required. Everyd...