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Showing posts from May, 2014

Why We Murph

Why does CrossFit love "Murph" and why is it so damn important?.. "Murph" is a Hero WOD named for the late lieutenant Michael Patrick Murphy of the United States Navy SEALs.  Every year on Memorial Day weekend this workout is performed by countless CrossFit gyms and servicemen and women around the world. Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy was killed in Afghanistan in 2005 in the battle made famous recently in the films "MURPH: The Protector" and "Lone Survivor."  In which Lt. Murphy risked his life by exposing himself to enemy fire during an attempt to gain a clear signal to communicate with headquarters after his unit came under fire.  Despite the wounds he endured because of these actions, he returned to his unit’s location after contacting headquarters and continued to fight until he was killed in action.  The workout "Murph" named in his honor was one of the favorites he would do while on deployment.  The WOD goes... Run 1 ...

Life Starts at Go

Life is a series of turns and choices.   Make a left.  Make a right.   Pursue an opportunity.  Take on a challenge.    Sit in place and do nothing.  A case can be made that they are one in the same, opportunities come to those willing to view challenges as the seeds success. If we really analyze opportunity we find that the value in a challenge is fear.   Fear of the unknown.   Fear of change.   Leaving the security of a job and branching out for a new opportunity is scary.   A pretty significant “challenge.” It is May 21 st and about 4 months since CrossFit Sixth City opened its doors under the management company’s name, Cleveland Strength and Conditioning.   As budding entrepreneurs we understood and experienced fear of starting a new business from scratch.   We have experienced the growing pains of a start-up and worked through a lot of trial and error.   But no matter how many scary scen...