For the second installment of Outside the Box blog series we're getting unique. It's Summer time. Get outside and get dirty! This edition looks at some unique and old school workouts. As always, following are workouts that can be performed with much, if any, equipment. Lifeguard Beach WODs: 5 rounds: jog 2 minutes + 10 pushups + 10 walking lunges + 10 single-leg hip raises + 20 mountain climbers (With 2 sand-filled buckets, map out a half mile loop) For 20 minutes: perform farmers carry for 1 min, then run loop back to the buckets 3 rounds: run 400m + swim back 400m + run 400m (rest 5:00) Paddle 1000m + run 1000m + 100 pushups + 100 air squats 10 rounds: run for 1 minute + 10 burpees Beach Conditioning Movements: Sprints Lunges Bear crawls Crab walks Wheel barrows Buddy carries Broad jumps Burpee broad jumps Triple jump Air Dyne WODs: "Tabata air dyne" 8 rounds: 20 seconds max calories + 10 seconds rest 5 rounds: 1 minute max calories (re...