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Showing posts from June, 2014

Outside the Box pt.2 - The Great Outdoors

For the second installment of Outside the Box blog series we're getting unique.  It's Summer time.  Get outside and get dirty!  This edition looks at some unique and old school workouts. As always, following are workouts that can be performed with much, if any, equipment. Lifeguard Beach WODs: 5 rounds: jog 2 minutes + 10 pushups + 10 walking lunges + 10 single-leg hip raises + 20 mountain climbers (With 2 sand-filled buckets, map out a half mile loop) For 20 minutes: perform farmers carry for 1 min, then run loop back to the buckets 3 rounds: run 400m + swim back 400m + run 400m (rest 5:00) Paddle 1000m + run 1000m + 100 pushups + 100 air squats 10 rounds: run for 1 minute + 10 burpees Beach Conditioning Movements: Sprints Lunges Bear crawls Crab walks Wheel barrows Buddy carries Broad jumps Burpee broad jumps Triple jump Air Dyne WODs: "Tabata air dyne" 8 rounds: 20 seconds max calories + 10 seconds rest 5 rounds: 1 minute max calories (re...

Summer Paleo Series pt.2

Welcome back, round two of the Summer paleo recipe series takes a look at two go-to sources for carbohydrates - squash and sweet potatoes.  Not a squash or sweet potato junkie?  It seems like most are not until they give it a try for dietary reason.  Ironically, I can think of few who did not end up loving both.  Here are five delicious squash and sweet potato recipes to keep the Summer kicking! Dill Butternut Squash Fries Ingredients: 1 large butternut squash (about 2 pounds/860 grams) 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted 3 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh dill salt, to taste Instructions: Preheat the oven to 400°F (205°C). Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut the bottom off of the butternut squash so you have an easy cutting surface. Use a sharp knife or a peeler to remove the skin of the butternut squash. Cut the squash in half, remove the seeds, and cut into fry-size strips. Toss the fries in a large bowl with the coconut oil, dill...

CSC's Programming - Utilizing The Conjugate Method

Programming Explained There has been a lot of positive conversation about CSC’s new programming and a few questions as well. We thought it would be a good time to explain our programming, which is based on the Westside Barbell Conjugate Method. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program; in the past many boxes put the strength aspect of their programs on the backburner and tended to focus more on the almighty WOD. An overview in design we ourselves were guilty of at one point. As CrossFit and functional training evolve, we have evolved with it. This evolution has lead us to the Conjugate Method. Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio developed the Westside Conjugate Method for powerlifting. The theology behind the program is to alternate maximal load lifts with speed work, and support these with accessory lifting to target weak points. While Simmon’s program is designed around powerlifting (i.e. bench, deadlift and squat), we have included the...

Outside The Box pt.1 - Out of Town

The first of a regular series called Outside The Box, in part 1 we will begin to present WODs that can easily be outside of your box.  More specifically, on the road while you travel.  Whether it be in the hotel or outdoors.  WODs and equipment required are listed below. Equipment: none 100 burpees for time 5k run 10 rounds: 5 pushups + 10 situps + 15 air squats 4 rounds: 20 jump squats + 15 chair dips + 10 situps 400m walking lunge 1 mile tabata run 5 rounds: 50 air squats + 400m run 4 rounds: 400m run + max effort pushups 200 air squats for time 5 rounds: 10 HSPU + 50 air squats For time: 10-1 HSPU + 100m sprint each round Run 1 mile, lunge 10 steps every minute 10 rounds: 5 burpees + 10 tuck jumps + 15 situps 100 pushups for time For time: 100 pushups + 100 situps + 100 air squats 10 rounds: 30 sec plank hold + 30 sec glute bridge 5 rounds: 15 pushups + 20 mountain climbers + 25 air squats 10 rounds: 10 lunges + 10 pushups 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: burpe...

Summer Paleo Series pt.1

This will be the first in a series of weekly posts throughout the Summer.  Each week we will offering five Summer-time paleo-friendly recipes.  Most of these will take advantage of the best part of nice weather - grilling!  Crank up the grill and enjoy! Grilled Chicken with Board Dressing Ingredients: 1 dried guajillo or New Mexico chile or 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 3/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1/4 cup chopped fresh oregano 1 teaspoon finely grated lime zest 1/4 cup olive oil plus more for grill Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper 1 4-pound chicken, halved, backbone removed ...