The first of a regular series called Outside The Box, in part 1 we will begin to present WODs that can easily be outside of your box. More specifically, on the road while you travel. Whether it be in the hotel or outdoors. WODs and equipment required are listed below.
Equipment: none
Equipment: none
- 100 burpees for time
- 5k run
- 10 rounds: 5 pushups + 10 situps + 15 air squats
- 4 rounds: 20 jump squats + 15 chair dips + 10 situps
- 400m walking lunge
- 1 mile tabata run
- 5 rounds: 50 air squats + 400m run
- 4 rounds: 400m run + max effort pushups
- 200 air squats for time
- 5 rounds: 10 HSPU + 50 air squats
- For time: 10-1 HSPU + 100m sprint each round
- Run 1 mile, lunge 10 steps every minute
- 10 rounds: 5 burpees + 10 tuck jumps + 15 situps
- 100 pushups for time
- For time: 100 pushups + 100 situps + 100 air squats
- 10 rounds: 30 sec plank hold + 30 sec glute bridge
- 5 rounds: 15 pushups + 20 mountain climbers + 25 air squats
- 10 rounds: 10 lunges + 10 pushups
- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: burpees + air squats, 200m run after each
- Tabata: pushups + situps + air squats
- For time: 100 jumping jacks + 75 air squats + 50 pushups + 25 burpees
- 3 rounds: run 1 min + air squats 1 min + run 1 min + pushups 1 min
- 20 min AMRAP: 5 HSPU + 10 burpees + 15 pistols
- For time: 100 pistols, 10 pushups EMOM
- Run 800m + 50 squats + situps
- 100 double unders for time
- (Annie) 50-40-30-20-10: double unders + situps
- Flight simulator: unbroken 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50...5 (burpee every miss)
- 21-15-9: pushups + air squats + double unders
- 120-90-60 seconds: double unders + situps + pushups
- 5 rounds: 400m run + 20 box jumps + 20 pushups
- For time: 100 pushups, 10 box jumps every break
- 10 min AMRAP: 10 HSPU + 20 box jumps
- Modified FGB: pushups, air squats, situps, box jumps, run
- 200 reps for time: any combo of lunges and step-ups
- (Nicole) 20 min AMRAP: 400m run + max effort pullups
- 21-15-9: DB squat clean + toes to bar
- 40-30-20: DB push press + box jump + knees to elbows
- 15 min AMRAP: 10 HRPU + 15 DB deadlift + 20 box jump
- (DB Randy) 75 DB power snatches for time
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