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Words of Advice for the CrossFit Newbie

Why I Started CrossFit

When I started CrossFit I THOUGHT I was in shape. I ran 5 days a week, lifted 3 days and attended a variety of group fitness classes (spinning, Zumba, boot camp, etc) to mix it up. To be honest, I’m a pretty frugal person. Whenever I can catch a deal, I’ll try something new. There were discounted CrossFit intro classes offered at a nearby gym that I decided to purchase on a whim without doing any prior research.

I will never forget my first workout. My heart rate got higher than I’ve ever experienced. I was out of breath, sweating more than ever and certainly struggling. HOLY CRAP - a simple workout had me on my butt! I couldn’t believe it, and was a little bit embarrassed. What looked easy on the whiteboard was certainly not easy for someone who considered herself “fit.”

The push in this particular group fitness class was not like any other. I was hooked and had to have more! There are a few things I wish I knew early on that I’d like to share with others considering trying it out.

Don’t Be Intimidated

After completing the introductory classes, I decided not to join because I was intimidated. Whenever I went into the gym everyone seemed to know what they were doing. All of these muscular, in shape men and women walked around knowing exactly what was going on. Because I didn’t have any friends who did CrossFit, I was scared to step foot into a regular class by myself.

I got over it because the coaches and other members were very welcoming and helpful, and I wasn’t afraid to ask questions. If there was something I wasn’t sure of, I would ask. It was also helpful that the coaches went over all of the movements prior to the work out and that there was instruction throughout the workout, making me feel more comfortable and confident with every class I attended.

Don’t Put a Monetary Limit on Health and Wellness

The second reason I didn’t join CrossFit right away was because it cost so much. I told myself there was no way I was going to pay over $100 a month for a gym membership. So, stubborn me I went back to my regular workouts of running and weightlifting on my own. Except this time I found my routine boring. I wasn’t pushing myself as hard, nor was I seeing and feeling the same results. I missed the extra push. I soon decided to bite the bullet and purchase a membership.

After working 9-10 hour days I would feel both mentally and physically exhausted and would find it difficult to get motivated to get in a GOOD workout. Already a person who felt health and fitness were important, the group classes really kept me motivated. I felt like I was truly getting my dollars worth and the gym membership eventually became a priority in my budget.

Be Open to Being Coached

I’ve always considered myself a fairly natural athlete. I’ve had many coaches throughout my life in various sports and strength and conditioning programs. So when it came to working out, I felt like I had a pretty good grasp on things. I found that in CrossFit I had a lot of strength, but my form was lacking (A LOT). I’ve learned throughout the years that it’s very important to listen to my coaches. We very rarely see mirrors in CF gyms so you can’t see what you may be doing wrong. I love that there is always something new to work on or tweaks that can be made to improve performance.

Introduce Yourself

CrossFit is all about community. That alone is another big reason of why I joined in the first place. I had just moved downtown and didn’t really know anyone. I wanted to meet like-minded people that made health and fitness a priority and people that wanted to continuously better themselves. That is what CrossFit is to me. However, coming into a new place like any other means meeting people and putting yourself out there. Of course, most people at any box are going to be friendly and welcoming to those walking in the door. What I learned though, is that it’s also a two way street. I had to open up, reach out and make an effort to develop friendships. Any new (and old) relationship requires work from both parties. So say hi, make small talk, attend gym events and open yourself up to the awesome community CrossFit is all about!


CrossFit gyms are going to be different everywhere you go. But like anything, it will also be what you make it! CrossFit has a lot to offer anyone at any fitness level, you just have to ‘put your toe in the water’ and see for yourself!


~ Coach K


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