It's that time of year again when every health and fitness expert under the sun tells you how to live your holidays. You know - portion control, eat healthy foods, no desert, no alcohol... Sounds familiar right? Well, what if you're a normal person? We're guessing that not only does this "advice" seem unrealistic to you, but it might even piss you off a little bit. It does to us, and we're technically "health and fitness experts." How about a discussion on where people tend to make those compromises that even they don't really want to make, but do so based on outside influence and the hectic events of holiday expectations. We all know we can do a little better, so let us identify some of those places where you can. Downfalls First, where everyone gets caught up - being honest with yourself about where it all begins. For Thanksgiving it tends to be the night before. How's the Wild Turkey taste, honestly? In the short-run portio...