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Introducing: Coach James

Please join us in welcoming James Catino to the CSC coaching family!  

Many of our PM athletes have likely seen James around and have hopefully had the chance to introduce themselves as he has been an athlete at CSC since February, but you may not know that James has CrossFit coaching experience from Birdtown CrossFit in Lakewood.  He has also been doing CrossFit for 3 years and competing for just less than that.  Prior to CrossFit, James spent time honing his gymnastic skills as well as body building and competitive lifting.

We are very excited about adding James to a coaching line-up with as much experience and expertise as any around.  We believe he will make an excellent addition and training mind for our CSC athletes to pick as well as being a genuinely great guy.  You will find James coaching every Monday and Tuesday evening and as well as Saturdays.  

So introduce yourselves if you haven't yet, and could someone please find out where the Cat Daddy nickname came from!

See Coach James' bio below.

Name: James Catino
Nicknames: Cat-Daddy + Baby-C
Born: 11/12/1987
Hometown: Niagara Falls, NY
Education: High School
Certifications: CF- L1 + CF-Gymnastics
Began CrossFit: Summer 2012
Began Coaching: Fall 2013
Favorite WOD: Fran
Least Favorite WOD: Anything with deadlifts
Coaching Cue: Use your Hips! (Ha)
Fran: 2:18
Grace: 1:45
Isabel: 3:15
Back Squat: 385
Deadlift: 455
Snatch: 215
Clean + Jerk: 285
Pull-ups: 57
HSPUs: 37


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