Guest author: Linda Glynias In that last few weeks (now at the age of 56) I have heard... "I am sorry Linda, but I did not recognize you, you look so much younger, maybe about 27?" said an older customer of mine from Bulgaria, possibly incurring failing vision... "The solution to diabetes is simple" said my endocrinology doctor, "stay healthy", as he is surrounded by mostly patients with severe issues. I am encouraged to lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle to prevent complications of diabetes. "Whatever you are doing, keep it up," said my cardiologist after I had my lowest cholesterol reading in 15 years. Since my mother was a cardiac patient, I have been testing and trying to control my elevated cholesterol for over 20 years. "So how is your CrossFit going?" a friend asks. "I respect the way you honor your modifications" my yoga instructor commented. I am carefully doing “ my own...