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CSC Sweatiest Angel - May 2016

Congratulations to Mike Keele on winning CSC's Sweatiest Angel award for the month of May!

The Sweatiest Angel award is given each month to a CSC member who displays significant work ethic, a willingness to support others and a true sense of camaraderie inside the gym.

With his work schedule, you will usually find Mike at the the gym in the evenings.  However, the times vary depending on his shift. We point this out because Mike is a great example of someone who has made a commitment to his health and sticks to it even when life throws you curveballs - like 3rd shift. Mike recently began a diet program and supplementary lifting to the CrossFit program. His hard work has allowed him to drop around 17 pounds (accurate, Mike?) which has made him faster in WODs and stronger at body weight movements (e.g. his 1st set of 3 muscle-ups). Congratulations Mike!

How long have you been doing CrossFit? 
I've been doing CrossFit since March 2012.

What do you do when you are not at CSC? 
I work for Apple, CLEVELAND SPORTS (it's a sadistic hobby, I know), I'm a nerd at heart so anything comic/sci-fi/fantasy related I'm into. Also, walking Bernie (his dog).

When did you realize CrossFit was for you? 
The day I realized CrossFit was for me was my intro WOD at CrossFit Akron. I drank a ton of Gatorade right before I went in to do the intro and immediately went balls to the wall as soon as the clock counted down from 10. To make a long story short I puked halfway through the WOD in from of other people that were coming in for their intro WOD. They ended up not joining. I never experienced anything as intense as that and I was immediately hooked.

What is your favorite WOD/movement? 
My favorite Olympic lift is the clean and jerk, favorite body weight movements are t2b (toes to bar), pull-ups and box jumps, and my favorite WOD is DT.

What is your LEAST favorite WOD/movement? 
Running, thrusters and Karen are pretty horrible.

One thing you've done at CSC you never thought you would do? 
String together multiple muscle-ups. CSC was the first place I've ever completed a muscle-up and I wasn't even a member at the time.

What motivates you during a WOD? 
Seeing everyone going through the same exact pain I am going through, seeing everyone embrace the suck makes the WOD that much more sustainable. Also, trying to beat Megan (his girlfriend)...

What advice would you give someone just starting CrossFit? 
Listen to your coaches! Stay on your heals, keep your core tight and engage your glutes, these are all things I’ve had to continuously work on since coming to CSC. I wasn’t taught correctly when I first started CrossFit and if I would have had the right programming and coaches in place at the time I started, I wouldn’t be struggling with these things. Also always try to do more than you think (with coaches permission) you may end up surprising yourselves.


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