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Sweatiest Angel - February 2017

Congratulations to our no-show sock, pink laces, short-short wearing friend Todd Glassman on being named CSC's Sweatiest Angel! The Sweatiest Angel award is given each month to the CSC athlete who displays significant work ethic, a willingness to support others and a true sense of camaraderie inside the gym.

Todd has been with us since the beginning and is one of a kind. Our heavily tattooed, usually bearded, booty sock wearing teddy bear has always been a very strong person and consistent smiling face at the gym (except during bad Winters). But over the last couple of months he has been diligently working to increase his aerobic base, shed a few pounds and become a better overall athlete. Which he has done very well, including the third fastest male time on Open WOD 17.1. His most recent goal is to run a sub 7:00 mile. Not bad for someone who's squatted almost 500 pounds, pressed 200 pounds and deadlifted over 500 pounds.

Cheers to you Todd, and all of your hard work! Check out "The Todd's" interview below...

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Todd: Started in 2011.

What do you do when you're not at CSC?
Todd: I've been working in the public defenders office since I graduated from law school in 2013. Outside of work and the gym, I like taking my dog to Edgewater (park) to swim. Her name is Bird and she just turned 2.

What is your favorite WOD/movement?
Todd: Thrusters and barbell complexes.

What is your least favorite WOD/movement?
Todd: T2B (toes to bar) and burpees.

When did you come to find CrossFit and realize it was for you?
Todd: Pretty much from the first workout I did.

What were your expectations when you started CrossFit?
Todd: My expectations when I started were that I would become healthier and stronger, both physically and mentally.

What are your goals for CrossFit?
Todd: My goal is to put out a consistent effort each day regardless of what else may be going on. To do the best I can on that day. And beat Sarah.

What has your experience been with CrossFit?
Todd: My experience has been great. One of the best things about CrossFit is that the people competing against one another are also each other's biggest supporters. CSC definitely fosters that.

One thing you've done at CSC you never thought you would do?
Todd: Run a mile in under 7 minutes.

What advice would you give someone just starting CrossFit?
Todd: Put in the work and enjoy the process.


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