[A guest post from Max Lamb] My daily life as a college student is quite hectic and sometimes challenging to balance. A typical day begins with ROMWOD stretching followed by an extremely cold shower and some occasional singing. I then spend the day attending finance classes at Case Western Reserve University. After school I nap on the bus that takes me to CrossFit Sixth City. Evenings consist of studying until the late night hours. I live by a strict schedule and try to keep myself accountable and focused. Before CrossFit I lived a much different lifestyle. High school was sometimes rough for me. I was awkward and had very little confidence. I had trouble making friends and connecting with my peers. Around the age of three I was diagnosed with stuttering that progressed into my teen years. Stuttering made me feel self-conscious and afraid to speak in public uncomfortable in social settings. Being an awkward, slightly overweight teen with a speech dis-fluency d...