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CSC Sweatiest Angel August 2016

Congratulations to Nate Klein on winning CSC's Sweatiest Angel award for the month of July! The Sweatiest Angel award is given each month to a CSC member who displays significant work ethic, a willingness to support others and a true sense of camaraderie inside the gym. 

Oh, what can we say about Nate? We think everyone at CSC will agree that he meets all of the qualifications listed above for Sweatiest Angel.  He's been almost everything one can be in the fitness realm - an overweight newbie, an over-worker who works out way too much, a regional athlete, a distance runner and your regular every day CrossFitter.  Through his experiences he has gained a valuable perspective that is hard to come by these days in many sense - a realistic and positive view of one's fitness journey (and an incredibly sarcastic sense of humor, as you will read below).  Nate is the kind of guy that every gym, or even every community needs.  Someone that is capable of working his ass off, supporting the rest of the community and maintaining perspective that fitness and life should be fun.  Unfortunately Nate's on his way out of Cleveland.  He'll be moving to Montana soon and CSC is sure going to miss him.  Best of luck Professor X!


How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I have been doing crossfit since 2010, so into my 6th year.


What do you do when you are not at CSC (hobbies, occupation, etc)?

I'm a Registered Nurse at Cleveland Clinic main campus in the cardio-thoracic surgery ICUs.  I spend a lot of time in the area MetroParks and CVNP outside of gym time.  I also drink a tremendous amount of alcohol.


When did you realize CrossFit was for you?

I worked everyday for about 3 months (5-6 mo into CrossFit) on getting a ring muscle-up.  After I got that first Muscle-up I was hooked. 


What is your favorite WOD/movement?

I think one of my favorite workouts is Amanda.  I really like the combination Muscle up and Snatch.  Its a fast workout but still skilled.  It was great watching the Games Athletes perform that at the Tennis Stadium at night. 


What is your LEAST favorite WOD/movement?

I hate Fran.  I never get better at it. That workout is bullshit.


One thing you've done at CSC you never thought you would do?

Digress exponentially in my strength?  I really never thought I would do strict HSPU's in a WOD again.  Thanks to Jeff pestering non-stop that we do them strict for god knows what reason, I now can do them again.


What motivates you during a WOD?

I really don't use much during a WOD to get extra motivated.  I just pick my pace, game plan it in my head and just get to it.


What advice would you give someone just starting CrossFit?

Don't take yourself too seriously.  I over did it wrong for many years and had to learn the hard way.  It lost its fun for me for a while because of that.  I have a great time now and as everyone knows I don't take anything serious.

What makes you a CrossFit celeb?

Well I've been around for a while.  I used to crush weights with Dan Bailey before he moved to Tennessee to get paid by Rich.  You can find me Archived from Regionals 2012 on ESPN 3 or 4 or something like that.  I am also a YouTube sensation with my quote to Dan on his 3rd time Fran ladder redo to win the 2011 CrossFit Open, "Well I mean you can't do any worse. Whats to lose."  He attributed me afterwords for his win, playing the greatest Devils Advocate.  I still hold this dear to my heart, for Jeff Brannigan, Cheese, and Chris have never accomplished this feat of human perseverance.


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