Congratulations to Scott Duncan
on winning CSC's Sweatiest Angel award for the month of October! The
Sweatiest Angel award is given each month to a CSC member who displays
significant work ethic, a willingness to support others and a true sense
of camaraderie inside the gym.
Last month we tested our core lifts as part of the strength cycle retesting and gave members the option of competing in an in-house power lifting meet. Meaning, they would find their 1 rep max back squat, bench press and deadlift all on the same day. Scott PR'd all three of his lifts that day by more than 70 total pounds! These kinds of GAINZ can't be accomplished by anyone who doesn't bust their butt every single day. That's Scott. He consistently shows up, consistently works his butt off and consistently supports everyone else. Congratulations Scott!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
On and off for about 2.5 years, but consistently for the past year since I started at CSC.
What do you do when you are not at CSC (hobbies, occupation, etc)?
I'm not at CSC, Jen and I can be found traveling across the country to
play competitive kickball (ya, it's a thing, and our team is really
When did you realize CrossFit was for you?
after my first WOD, but it wasn't until moving to Cleveland and
starting at CSC that I really committed to making it part of my
daily/weekly routine.
What is your favorite WOD/movement?
Anything heavy (squats, deadlifts, cleans), and wall balls.
What is your LEAST favorite WOD/movement?
Burpees and running. I hate running during WODs. And burpees, did I say that yet?
One thing you've done at CSC you never thought you would do?
first competition. I never thought that I'd get to the point of
enjoyment where competitions is something that I would be interested in,
but after completing my first, I cannot wait for my second.
What motivates you during a WOD?
person next to me. Sometimes it's having to beat my fiancée, Jen, or
Chris Brewer, and sometimes it's only letting Todd beat me by one round.
What advice would you give someone just starting CrossFit?
at your own pace, the speed and strength will come later. Commit to it,
it's going to be hard, but if it was easy, everyone would do it.
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